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Molecular Diagnostics

    ∟ Taq Polymerase

    ∟ Reverse Transcriptase

    ∟ Tth Bifunctional Enzymes

    ∟ qPCR/qRT-PCR

         ∟ qPCR

         ∟ qRT-PCR

    ∟ Sample Pretreatment

         ∟ Releasing Agents

         ∟ Nucleic Acid Extraction Reagents

         ∟ Nucleic Acid Extractor

    ∟ LAMP

    ∟ Other Supplies for PCR


    ∟ mRNA Raw Materials

         ∟ Template Linearization

         ∟ In Vitro Transcription

         ∟ mRNA Modification

         ∟ Circular RNA Synthesis and Purification

         ∟ mRNA Quality Testing

         ∟ mRNA Drug Impurities Residues Detection Kit

    ∟ Residue Detection Product

         ∟ Microorganism Contaminant Detection

         ∟ Host Cell DNA Detection

         ∟ Host Cell RNA Detection

         ∟ Animal-Origin Detection

         ∟ Host Cell DNA Fragment Detection

         ∟ Cell and Gene Therapy

         ∟ Host Cell Protein Detection

         ∟ N.A. Extraction Kit & Device





Biori Biori Biotechnology PCR Enzyme Master Mix mRNA Residual Detection 核酸提取试剂与仪器 Automatic Extraction Purification Cell Gene Therapy Centrifuge Mixer Host Cell Residual Detection 外源性污染微生物检测 仪器设备 合成生物 M2071 Superstart Premix Plus - UNG (Probe qPCR)Biori M2071 Superstart Premix Plus - UNG (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology M2071 Superstart Premix Plus - UNG (Probe qPCR)PCR Hyperstart Tth Tth Tth Enzyme Universal Nucleic Acid ReleaserBiori Universal Nucleic Acid ReleaserBioriBiotechnology Universal Nucleic Acid ReleaserPCR Magnetic Microbiota DNA&RNA Isolation KitBiori Magnetic Microbiota DNA&RNA Isolation KitBioriBiotechnology Magnetic Microbiota DNA&RNA Isolation KitPCR MagBio Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IBiori MagBio Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IBioriBiotechnology MagBio Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IPCR MagBio Blood DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IIBiori MagBio Blood DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IIBioriBiotechnology MagBio Blood DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IIPCR MagBio Swab DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IIIBiori MagBio Swab DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IIIBioriBiotechnology MagBio Swab DNA/RNA Extraction Kit IIIPCR Bst 恒温 M2181-4 FastAmpli Premix-UNG Ⅳ (Probe qPCR)Biori M2181-4 FastAmpli Premix-UNG Ⅳ (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology M2181-4 FastAmpli Premix-UNG Ⅳ (Probe qPCR)PCR Neoscript RT Premix-UNG (Probe qRT-PCR)Biori M5134-DB Neoscript RT Premix-UNG (Probe qRT-PCR)BioriBiotechnology M5134-DB Neoscript RT Premix-UNG (Probe qRT-PCR)PCR Bst 2.0 HS PolymeraseBiori Bst 2.0 HS PolymeraseBioriBiotechnology Bst 2.0 HS PolymerasePCR Bst polymerase Centrifuge Mixer Nucleic Acid Extractor T7 RNA PolymeraseBiori T7 RNA PolymeraseBioriBiotechnology T7 RNA PolymerasePCR Nucleic Acid Extraction And Purification Kit IBiori Nucleic Acid Extraction And Purification Kit IBioriBiotechnology Nucleic Acid Extraction And Purification Kit IPCR FastAmpli RT Premix- UNG (Probe qRT- PCR)Biori FastAmpli RT Premix- UNG (Probe qRT- PCR)BioriBiotechnology FastAmpli RT Premix- UNG (Probe qRT- PCR)PCR MD2084-4-DB Fast Direct RT Premix- UNG Ⅳ (Probe qRT-PCR)Biori MD2084-4-DB Fast Direct RT Premix- UNG Ⅳ (Probe qRT-PCR)BioriBiotechnology MD2084-4-DB Fast Direct RT Premix- UNG Ⅳ (Probe qRT-PCR)PCR MD2111-DB Stool Direct Premix- UNG (Probe qPCR)Biori MD2111-DB Stool Direct Premix- UNG (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology MD2111-DB Stool Direct Premix- UNG (Probe qPCR)PCR M2281 Robustart ARMS Gene-typing Premix-UNG (Probe qPCR)Biori M2281 Robustart ARMS Gene-typing Premix-UNG (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology M2281 Robustart ARMS Gene-typing Premix-UNG (Probe qPCR)PCR M216 Robustart Premix (Probe qPCR)Biori M216 Robustart Premix (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology M216 Robustart Premix (Probe qPCR)PCR MD2071 Fast Direct Premix- UNG (Probe qPCR)Biori MD2071 Fast Direct Premix- UNG (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology MD2071 Fast Direct Premix- UNG (Probe qPCR)PCR E03 HS Taq PolymeraseBiori E03 HS Taq PolymeraseBioriBiotechnology E03 HS Taq PolymerasePCR E20 Robustart Taq QS IIBiori E20 Robustart Taq QS IIBioriBiotechnology E20 Robustart Taq QS IIPCR E.Coli Protein ELISA Colorimetric LAMP Premix (RY)Biori Colorimetric LAMP Premix (RY)BioriBiotechnology Colorimetric LAMP Premix (RY)PCR LAMP Premix (DyeⅠ) (Bst2.0 HS)Biori LAMP Premix (DyeⅠ) (Bst2.0 HS)BioriBiotechnology LAMP Premix (DyeⅠ) (Bst2.0 HS)PCR LAMP Premix (Dye II)Biori LAMP Premix (Dye II)BioriBiotechnology LAMP Premix (Dye II)PCR LAMP Premix (Probe) (Bst2.0 HS)Biori LAMP Premix (Probe) (Bst2.0 HS)BioriBiotechnology LAMP Premix (Probe) (Bst2.0 HS)PCR 化学修饰热启动 荧光定量 热启动DNA聚合酶 Taq DNA Polymerase HS Taq PCR扩增酶类 Enzyme系列 产品展厅 化学修饰 Taq Taq Polymerase Molecular polymerase Robustart Taq 多重扩增 抗体修饰 qPCR qRT-PCR 可冻干试剂 新型热启动酶 Taq酶 新型抗体修饰 ddPCR digital pcr Robustart Taq Neoscript® RTase 分子诊断 核酸原料 RT-LAMP Premix (Dye I) (Bst2.0 HS)Biori RT-LAMP Premix (Dye I) (Bst2.0 HS)BioriBiotechnology RT-LAMP Premix (Dye I) (Bst2.0 HS)PCR Colorimetric RT-LAMP Premix (RY)Biori Colorimetric RT-LAMP Premix (RY)BioriBiotechnology Colorimetric RT-LAMP Premix (RY)PCR RT-LAMP Premix (Probe)Biori RT-LAMP Premix (Probe)BioriBiotechnology RT-LAMP Premix (Probe)PCR Mycoplasma DNA Detection KitBiori Mycoplasma DNA Detection KitBioriBiotechnology Mycoplasma DNA Detection KitPCR Mycobacterium DNA Detection KitBiori Mycobacterium DNA Detection KitBioriBiotechnology Mycobacterium DNA Detection KitPCR Mycoplasma Residual HCD HS Premix-UNG (Probe qPCR)Biori 2×HS Premix-UNG (Probe qPCR)BioriBiotechnology 2×HS Premix-UNG (Probe qPCR)PCR RT PCR定量 探针法 高温反转录酶 荧光定量PCR仪 热启动酶 非洲猪瘟 全血直扩PCR 血浆直扩PCR 血液直接PCR 细胞直接PCR Superstart Direct RT Premix (Probe qRT-PCR) 直扩qRT-PCR 直扩PCR/RT-PCR 快速PCR POCT 免提取PCR 原料 Fast Direct Premix(Probe qPCR) 直扩qPCR 通用型核酸释放剂 体外诊断原料 热启动Tth Hyperstart Tth Premix(Probe qRT-PCR) 探针法qRT-PCR Premix Premix系列 DNA检测 免提取 直接荧光定量PCR DNA病毒检测 直扩试剂 快速扩增 恒温扩增 MEIA 多酶 BTE-8 Nucleic Acid Extraction MachineBiori BTE-8 Nucleic Acid Extraction MachineBioriBiotechnology BTE-8 Nucleic Acid Extraction MachinePCR E29 Neoscript RTase HSBiori E29 Neoscript RTase HSBioriBiotechnology E29 Neoscript RTase HSPCR RNA免提取 RNA病毒检测 cDNA合成 定量RT-PCR RNA病毒 新冠 流感病毒 呼吸道多联检 灵敏度检测 Premix 热启动 特异性 病毒检测 高GC模板扩增 UNG (Uracil-DNA Glycosylase)Biori UNG (Uracil-DNA Glycosylase)BioriBiotechnology UNG (Uracil-DNA Glycosylase)PCR TS-UNG IIBiori TS-UNG IIBioriBiotechnology TS-UNG IIPCR Dnase IBiori Dnase IBioriBiotechnology Dnase IPCR RNase H IIBiori RNase H IIBioriBiotechnology RNase H IIPCR Tth DNA Polymerase RT逆转录酶类 引探全混稳定 37℃加速60天 高灵敏度 高特异性 4×Robustart Premix OT (Probe qPCR) 探针法qPCR Premix 终点法PCR 核酸提取 DNA多重扩增 高GC 复杂结构扩增 疑难模板 Novel GC系列 PCR/RT-PCR系列 直扩PCR Blood Direct Premix Blood Direct Multi Premix 法医STR多重扩增检测 扩增多重 灵敏度 全血、血卡 直接扩增。 SYBR Direct Premix 基因组DNA扩增 分型检测 Superstart Direct Premix DNA扩增 适配体修饰 LAMP Lamp 新品上市 dNTP MixBiori dNTP MixBioriBiotechnology dNTP MixPCR dATP dTTP dCTP Acetylated BSABiori Acetylated BSABioriBiotechnology Acetylated BSAPCR T4 Gene 32 ProteinBiori T4 Gene 32 ProteinBioriBiotechnology T4 Gene 32 ProteinPCR RNase InhibitorBiori RNase InhibitorBioriBiotechnology RNase InhibitorPCR T7 Polymerase RNase Inhibitor mRNA Pyrophosphatase Vaccinia Capping T7 Transcription Methyltransferase 2OM 宝锐生物 mRNA疫苗 IVD原料 生物医药 Ribonuclease Restriction BspQ Bsa Rate Extraction Purification Nucleic Acid CHO Redisual DNA E.coli Residue E1A SV40LTA HEK293 E1A E1B Plasmid Kanamycin Mycobacterium Detection Hela MMV Human Vesivirus Sf Arenavirus RNA Extraction 4×Lyoprotectant-9Biori 4×Lyoprotectant-9BioriBiotechnology 4×Lyoprotectant-9PCR Superstart Premix(Probe qPCR) 定量RT-PCR 新冠 逆转录 Celerscript RTase RNA免提取扩增 RT-PCR 终点法 定量PCR 直接扩增 核酸检测 LAMP染料法 DNA RNA RT LAMP 可冻干体系 RT Lamp Premix ⽬视法 ⽬视法 ISO13485 SGS Quality CircRNA Vaccine mRNA MEDICA Dusseldorf Exhibition ADLM USA HCP ELISA RSV 宝锐生物 AACC IVD原料 IVD展会 新品上市 展会论坛 生物医药 生物医药展会 mRNA疫苗 粪便直扩试剂 快速直扩 直扩试剂 疫苗 原料酶 核酸原料 核酸检测 CACLPA 专精特新 小巨人企业 新闻资讯 等温扩增 多酶 恒温扩增 MEIA 核酸提取仪 疫苗原料 直播 EBC 诊断原料 员工培训 团队建设 企业文化 AVDC 动物养殖 CACLP 安全生产 病毒检测 猴痘病毒 PCR反应 PCR公司 新冠检测 抗原 POCT 体外诊断原料 核酸诊断原料 热启动修饰 LAMP 热启动 Lamp 猴痘 核苷酸 修饰 技术科普 分子诊断冻干试剂原料 宝泰仪生物 宝瑞生物 POCT诊断试剂 核酸提取试剂 核酸 核酸提取 核酸提取试剂(磁珠法) 宝泰仪CM-8离心混匀一体机 冻干 lyo-ready
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Addr.: #333, Pingbei First Road, Nanping Industrial Park, Zhuhai, China 519000





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